May 31, 2023
DataSense – TBS Webinar on Industry-Academia Collaboration for Entrepreneurship Development: What’s Appropriate for Bangladesh?
Bangladesh is economically growing with salient enhancements in GDP and other economic indicators. Yet 4,43,000 candidates for 1,800 vacancies in government official jobs and 43,000 candidates for 70-100 job posts (BBS, 2018) shed light on the demand and supply imbalance […]
May 11, 2023
Speakers call for fairer labour practices in digital platform-based economy in Asia
Speakers at a seminar emphasized the importance of promoting fair labour practices in the digital platform-based economy across Asia. As a more equitable economic platform, they noted that digital platforms will enhance connectivity among Asian countries. The speakers made the […]
February 10, 2023
Journey of a Woman Migrant Worker: Issues, Risks and Challenges
In Bangladesh, women started participating in labour migration since 1991, as of November 2022, total around 1.11 million women migrant workers have gone abroad, which is around 7.5% of total migration so far.  [BMET 2022]. Major destination of women migrant […]
January 15, 2023
Challenges faced by Bangladeshi Women Entrepreneurs in Accessing Finance
Authored by: Jinat Jahan Khan In Bangladesh, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) sector employs more than 7.8 million people directly and about 3.2 million people indirectly. The SME sector contributes to one-fourth of Bangladesh’s GDP, and a decent portion […]